Authors : Theo Boiten & Martin Bowman.
Subtitled : The Bomber Campaign Against Germany 1942-45.
Battles with the Luftwaffe is a comprehensive new look at the bombing campaign and subsequent air war over Europe during World War II.
Pilots from both sides tell their story while a modern overview sets their individual exploits in their historical context.
Martin Bowman and Theo Boiten have interviewed American, German, British, Australian, Czech, French and veteran aircrew from many other countries. The result is a fascinating collection of personal stories and never-previously-published photographs.
Battles with the Luftwaffe is a fascinating account of the realities of air-combat during World War II.
A 'must have' for enthusiasts of aviation and the second world-war.
- Format : Large 2nd Hand Hardback with Dust Jacket
- Condition : Very Good
- Category : Non-Fiction : War & Civil War
- Published : 2001 (Ted Smart / Harper Collins)
- ISBN : 9780007653348
- SKU : B002140
- PPC : SP1300gm
- RRP : £29.99
- Quantity Available : 1 only.
Large, Heavy, Glossy, Illustrated & Very Detailed.
External Reviews
"As a reference book this is quite amazing. With the standard 'Janes' history of the airwar coupled with accounts and some truly unique period photos this is a must for any historian of this period." - Goodreads Review.